Not showing DTS-HD MA or 192kHz support - Win 7 AMD HDMI Audio ... I'm running a Radeon 6950 and using the HDMI audio function and on Windows 7 supported formats it's only showing up to 48kHz and DTS-HD.
Unable to play DTS-HD and DD-HD on my ONKYO HT-S3300 on windows 8 ... Graphic card: AMD HD 6570 installed 13.11 catalyst drivers. CPU: A8 3850 ... Set "Sound Device" to your HDMI output device. Also, make sure ...
Dolby TrueHD amd DTS-HD not playing with Radeon HD5770 - AVS Forum No Dolbly TrueHD and/or DTS-HD signal being output to AVR. PowerDVD 10 audio output option menu does not show necessary HDMI ouput ...
AMD Radeon HD6450 - HDMI Support [Solved] - Radeon - Graphics & Displays I recently purchased a Radeon HD 6450 for use with my Panasonic, TH-50PZ800U TV. While the HDMI output detects the TV and works perfectly fine once the pc is booted, if I try ...
AMD Radeon HD 7750 Dual HDMI 1GBx16 PCIe | VisionTek - High-Performance PC and Mac Upgrades and Enha With AMD Radeon HD7750 and the introduction of Discrete Digital Multi-Point Audio (DDMA), Radeon HD 7750 Series GPU enable new and interestingmulti-display applications. DDMA enables Radeon HD 7750 Series GPU with the ability to output multiple ...
How do I get 5.1 audio from ATI HDMI output? - Forums ... that is already dolby digital / Dolby DTS encoded do you get the 5.1 audio? .... I had the same ATI HDMI output driver. if you click properties on this and click ... For all this hell, I blame ATI /AMD and HP for including a crappy ...
[solved] ATI 6870 HDMI HD Audio - Forum - CyberLink Output Mode: Non-decoded Dolby Digital/DTS audio to external ... Multispeaker audio device: AMD HDMI Output (AMD High Defin (not in use)
htpc hdmi如何輸出dolby trueHD 及DTS-HD ??-HD.Club 精研視務所High ... 也到AMD 下載最新的驅動程式11.2版,但仍然只有LPCM的輸出 ... 組了1台HTPC 以 HDMI接環繞擴大基,始終都無法點燈dolby trueHD 及DTS-HD
View topic - Dolby sound through ATI HDMI?? - The Green Button I have plenty of files which are encoded with Dolby DTS 5.1 sound. ... When I went into the properties of the actual HDMI output, I verified the ...
顯卡的HDMI要如何輸出DTS給AV機解碼?有圖,請各位達人指導。 (第1頁 ... 試了粉久都不行,DRIVER也灌好幾次了,也看了樓下的帖灌了ATI HDMI 2.03版, 輸出反而只...